Monday, November 25, 2013

My Kid Says B instead of P and G instead of K

So your child is saying B instead of P and G instead of K?  What is going on here?  Sounds like he is having trouble with VOICING -- telling the difference between sounds that should have his voice turned on and sounds that should have his voice turned off.

Some people have really never thought about the fact that some sounds are voiced and some aren't.  We learned to talk, we say our sounds, and we don't think twice about it.  But some kids need to have these differences pointed out to them.  How can you teach them?
1.  You can start with the Kleenex experiment.  Take a kleenex and hold it up a few inches from your mouth.  Say the sound for "B".  The kleenex shouldn't move.  Now say the sound for "P".  The kleenex should blow in the breeze from your mouth.  Let your child try it.
clip_image0042.  Now you can do the Hand on Throat experiment.  Put your hand on your throat when you say "B".  You should feel your throat vibrate.  You are making a little humming sound at the same time as you say "B" -- this means your voice is on.  Now say the sound for  "P".  You should not feel any vibration, and the humming sound is gone.  Help your child try this for himself. 

You can do the same experiments for the sounds "G" and "K", although the kleenex doesn't move quite as much for the "K" sound because the air has farther to travel from the back of the mouth. 

Have fun!

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