Monday, April 14, 2014


Recently we've been learning about multiple meaning words in our language sessions.  It's important for kids to understand that a word that is spelled one way can have more than one meaning.  They will have to determine which meaning to use based on the rest of the sentence.  For instance, the word 'tie' can be used for 'Tie your shoes' or 'Wear a tie to church.'  We know that if we hear the word 'shoes' next to 'tie', it probably means to take two pieces of lace and make a knot, and if we hear the words 'wear' and 'church' in the same sentence as 'tie', it probably means the piece of clothing a man wears around his neck.  

To practice this, we have the kids give us 2 sentences for each multiple meaning word -- one for each different meaning.  (Some words can even have 3 or 4 possible meanings!) For example, here is a list of some words that have more than one possible meaning:

And HERE is a fun Jeopardy-style game online that the kids can play to practice naming the correct multiple-meaning word.

Understanding the different meanings of words will help the students in conversation, writing, and reading.

Have fun!


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